
Julie Colbeth

I am passionate about truth, unity in the body of Christ and grace for the broken and wounded places we all have.  My hair is rapidly greying…and I kinda love it.  I am a problem solver, verbal processor, foodie, dreamer, adventurer, and extroverted introvert.  I can be bold as a lion and still fragile as glass.  I am passionate about the outdoors, especially the forest.  I geek out about birds (think little kid at the ice cream truck), I love impressionist art, hiking, tea, LOTR, reading, and Pho.  I love to paint and create but I have sucked at making space for these things since I became a mom.  I went to prom with the man that would become my husband, he knows all my nasty bits and still loves me.  My four kids are loud, passionate, and crazy.  My life has been messy, my mistakes have been big and often public, but Jesus has always helped me grow through the chaos and pain.